Buying from China - Prompted mostly by buying an Espruino board I've bought a number of boards, displays, sensors etc from China. Apart from the delivery taking 2 to 4 weeks I've had no problems. Not had a chance to power up every board yet but build quality is good. The only item that didn't arrive was a nokia LCD module, and as soon as I notified they seller about this on ebay I got an immediate refund.
I am assuming you are driving the pump directly, switching the mains to it rather that switch the pump input on a combi boiler etc. Comments above seem to confirm this. I would tend to use a relay to switch the pump. You can always put a snubber across the relay contacts
I agree with #tage that you should really be careful when switching mains and ensure you have proper isolation between control and mains.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I'll answer a few questions.
Buying from China - Prompted mostly by buying an Espruino board I've bought a number of boards, displays, sensors etc from China. Apart from the delivery taking 2 to 4 weeks I've had no problems. Not had a chance to power up every board yet but build quality is good. The only item that didn't arrive was a nokia LCD module, and as soon as I notified they seller about this on ebay I got an immediate refund.
I am assuming you are driving the pump directly, switching the mains to it rather that switch the pump input on a combi boiler etc. Comments above seem to confirm this. I would tend to use a relay to switch the pump. You can always put a snubber across the relay contacts
I agree with #tage that you should really be careful when switching mains and ensure you have proper isolation between control and mains.