Now that I got the transmitter working - I now face problems with the receiver and this time I do not see an antenna hole. When using 5 V I get a lot of signals into the receiver but I am able to deciffer the signals that I want so I can see whenever I push the remote for the sockets or when my pir sensor (almost forgotten from our old alarm system) is activated - the on / off pattern is recognized - all fine, however, only when transmitters are close to receiver. Again I expected 30 metters to be the standard but having a distance of 3 meters is the limit.
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Now that I got the transmitter working - I now face problems with the receiver and this time I do not see an antenna hole. When using 5 V I get a lot of signals into the receiver but I am able to deciffer the signals that I want so I can see whenever I push the remote for the sockets or when my pir sensor (almost forgotten from our old alarm system) is activated - the on / off pattern is recognized - all fine, however, only when transmitters are close to receiver. Again I expected 30 metters to be the standard but having a distance of 3 meters is the limit.