The allowable pins for each peripheral are determined by the chip, not the software - the UARTs and SPI's and I2C's shown on the reference are bits of silicon in the chip, and can only be connected to certain pins.
If you need 5 serials, I'm afraid your options are to either wait for Gordon to implement software serial (this emulates serial in software, working on any pins - he's talked about doing this in other thread: ), or hack your Espruino board and get a wire onto D2. That would take out the SD card though (there are plans for a change to let you set the pins for SD card, but then you'd have to cut a trace and run another wire).
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
That's a lotta serials...
The allowable pins for each peripheral are determined by the chip, not the software - the UARTs and SPI's and I2C's shown on the reference are bits of silicon in the chip, and can only be connected to certain pins.
If you need 5 serials, I'm afraid your options are to either wait for Gordon to implement software serial (this emulates serial in software, working on any pins - he's talked about doing this in other thread: ), or hack your Espruino board and get a wire onto D2. That would take out the SD card though (there are plans for a change to let you set the pins for SD card, but then you'd have to cut a trace and run another wire).