Using an ANTenna makes quite a difference. Ideally, it should be the proper length for 433mhz, but there's some debate online as to what that length is. Theoretically, 17.2cm, but some people say they get better responses with a longer one. I just grabbed a piece of wire around a foot long and used that, and it made a big difference.
The performance still left much to be desired, though.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Using an ANTenna makes quite a difference. Ideally, it should be the proper length for 433mhz, but there's some debate online as to what that length is. Theoretically, 17.2cm, but some people say they get better responses with a longer one. I just grabbed a piece of wire around a foot long and used that, and it made a big difference.
The performance still left much to be desired, though.