I share Gordon's surprise that you were able to achieve any result other than a confused Arduino IDE and a bunch of syntax errors resulting in the Espruino doing nothing. I suspect something else happened that resulted in the RTC changing time.
Wouldn't it be nice if all COM port numbers stayed put! The cheaper (CH340G-based) serial adapters change depending on what USB port they're plugged into, and sometimes it seems just for the hell of it. I suspect some other devices do the same - I'll bet it's the same as the bullshit you get with some USB mice and thumbdrives, where you go through another round of "installing device drivers" if you plug it into a different port than you did last time.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I share Gordon's surprise that you were able to achieve any result other than a confused Arduino IDE and a bunch of syntax errors resulting in the Espruino doing nothing. I suspect something else happened that resulted in the RTC changing time.
Wouldn't it be nice if all COM port numbers stayed put! The cheaper (CH340G-based) serial adapters change depending on what USB port they're plugged into, and sometimes it seems just for the hell of it. I suspect some other devices do the same - I'll bet it's the same as the bullshit you get with some USB mice and thumbdrives, where you go through another round of "installing device drivers" if you plug it into a different port than you did last time.