@DrAzzy @Gordon I purchased one of these:https://www.adafruit.com/products/881 without doing research on the ht16k33 chip because I thought it would be relatively easy for me to port the arduino and python code to javascript, however I was wrong. After some more research I stumbled across:https://github.com/mdobson/tessel-ht16k33?files=1
I haven't received the 7-segment from Adafruit yet so I wasn't able to attempt to port the code to the Espruino yet. Is the ht16k33 relatively easy to port over to the Espruino?
Well, that chip has a very rich feature set to write wrappers for, which makes a bigger job, if want expose the features, , but writing a for it probably wouldn't be that hard. What is hard, is justifying the price - digikey wants almost twenty five bucks a pop for them...