Regarding transmit, the array of times would be excellent. If nothing else it simplifies it and can ensure a perfect waveform. With a slight optimisation I was able to get LightwaveRF working with a simple loop around digitalPulse, rather than eval() a string of digitalPulse commands, but it is right on the verge of being too slow.
Regarding receive, I have a device called NinjaBlock which was another Kickstarter which is a home automation and sensor hub. It is a BeagleBone with an attached Arduino cape that does 433Mhz transmit and receive.
Running on the BeagleBone was a Node.js app which talked to their cloud API. You can put the NinjaBlock into learning mode, activate a 433Mhz device such as a doorbell or PIR sensor, and it would learn it. From there you can set it to take actions, e.g. if PIR sensor then take photo and upload to Dropbox. Additionally you could send 433Mhz signals to control devices.
It supported lot of sensors and devices, mainly the cheap ones from eBay. It didn't support LightwaveRF, I guess because the protocol is a little more involved.
Anyway, this is all to say that they have managed to decode different radio signals with an Arduino, and it is open source in case some of the code is helpful:
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Regarding transmit, the array of times would be excellent. If nothing else it simplifies it and can ensure a perfect waveform. With a slight optimisation I was able to get LightwaveRF working with a simple loop around digitalPulse, rather than eval() a string of digitalPulse commands, but it is right on the verge of being too slow.
Regarding receive, I have a device called NinjaBlock which was another Kickstarter which is a home automation and sensor hub. It is a BeagleBone with an attached Arduino cape that does 433Mhz transmit and receive.
Running on the BeagleBone was a Node.js app which talked to their cloud API. You can put the NinjaBlock into learning mode, activate a 433Mhz device such as a doorbell or PIR sensor, and it would learn it. From there you can set it to take actions, e.g. if PIR sensor then take photo and upload to Dropbox. Additionally you could send 433Mhz signals to control devices.
It supported lot of sensors and devices, mainly the cheap ones from eBay. It didn't support LightwaveRF, I guess because the protocol is a little more involved.
Anyway, this is all to say that they have managed to decode different radio signals with an Arduino, and it is open source in case some of the code is helpful: