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  • K, that means the bluetooth module that I soldered onto espruino is always on - it does not count as "peripheral" then.

    I looked at the waveform pages, this is pretty sick (=cool). I'd love to try that out, but it does not really mention how to connect a microphone and loudspeaker - and especially which. Could you post links to ebay for the perfect choice that's guaranteed to work?

    Also one quick question: doing something like a "change on clap" - e.g. clap or shout in front of the mic and take that as a trigger to run a js function should be trivial, right? It seems it's very similar to the audio in example.

    If that's the case, I'd have some ideas for changing some NeoPixel / RGB123 8x8 board animation with the clap of hands. Audio input/output is one of the things I've not really explored, so I am very interested. Ha - also reporting the sound level continously to Xively would be nice.


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