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Member since Feb 2014 • Last active Feb 2014
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    And, the CC3000 web server example works properly when fed in by
    hand via minicom. So this is related, as you suspected, to flow control.

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    Well, the first thing I tried was carefully cutting/pasting the simple_loop4.js code
    into the board while in minicom. I think you're right about flow control - the
    simple_loop4.js code works when entered this way. I'll try hooking up a USB/serial
    adapter with flow control, and see if that helps. Thanks again - Rick

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    Thanks Gordon. It is fairly reproducible when the code size exceeds
    the ~606 byte threshold. I'll try another board, then if it isn't that, go
    do some debugging. I loaded the benchmark using either the IDE or
    benchmark.py - doesn't matter which, same result.

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    Avatar for rspanbauer

    Hi - I'm working with Espruino on the STM32F4Discovery, and seem to have found
    a bug. I first noticed the issue when trying to run the LED web server example
    in the CC3000 tutorial. The simple example of connecting to the hello world web
    site worked fine, but the LED example seems to crash the STM32 board. I started
    to debug the problem, and found that javascript code > ~606 bytes seems to hang
    the Espruino. For example, if I run the benchmark.py program with simple_loop1.js,
    simple_loop2.js, or simple_loop3.js, all < 606 bytes, the benchmark runs to completion.
    Yet when I run simple_loop4.js, length 1079 bytes, the benchmark never completes.

    I am running an image compiled from the latest pull from the git archive.

    Anyone else run into this problem?
