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Member since Feb 2014 • Last active Mar 2014
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  • in Interfacing
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    The problem as I see it is the library doesn't expose any of the settings required to use the device, it just relies on the default while the RF24 library used elsewhere intentionally resets every setting to something else.

  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for ArthurGuy

    I tried doing the same thing, I read out the registers and matched up as much as possible but I couldn't get anywhere. I assume the library is good enough to get two espruino's talking but that wasnt what I was interested in.

    In the end I switched from using an espruino as the main device in my project to using a spark core. Not quite as nice but it just worked.

  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for ArthurGuy

    I spent a while after posting this digging through the datasheet looking for the defaults with the assumption that the espruino library doesn't change them. There are still a number of naming convention differences I haven't gotten my head around but I will take another stab at it.
    I was hoping someone had done this before but I will probably need to do the hard work myself!

  • in Interfacing
    Avatar for ArthurGuy

    Hi all,
    I am attempting to communicate between an espruino and an arduino using the NRF24L01+ modules.
    I have followed the examples on the espruino website and I am using the RF24 library on the other end.

    The problem I am having is that the two systems seem completely different, I am guess the espruino library doesn't implement many features but even using the ones it does I should be able to get this to work.

    Has anyone managed anything like this?

    Does anyone know what channel and data rate is used, how do these correspond to the addresses passed into the init function?

    Any advice would be much appreciated.

  • in General
    Avatar for ArthurGuy

    Hi, I am experiencing the same problem and as Codepope suggested it looks like Chrome beta is causing the problems.
    Looking forward to a fix as its close to unusable.
