Avatar for _pasi


Member since Apr 2022 • Last active Apr 2024
  • 5 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for _pasi

    So i just found some time to go after my little project.
    I got a Self Signed Certificate in Companion. But i get:
    NoConnectionError: javax.net.ssl.SSLHAndshaeExeption .... Trust anchor for certification....

    Is there a way, that i can allow the Self Signed Certificates in Gadgetbridge ?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for _pasi

    thanks that helps already a lot.
    I checked, but i dint' find Intents to trigger some things in the OSC app i use.

    with companion and the post should work. I just now need to get companion avilable with https.... :)

    thank you

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for _pasi

    i am Trying to send some Open Sound Controll (OSC) Messages from my Bangle.js 2.
    But OSC is based on UDP, so i didn't find a Way.

    My next Idea was to use Companion for me to send these OSC Messages, but i need an HTTP Post request to trigger companion.
    Is this possible to with the Gadgetbridge integration to send a POST ? I couln't find anything related to the Bangle.js with HTTP Post.

    Thanks already in advice

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for _pasi

    I let it dry for a few days, but nothing happens.

    from what i could see, it seams like there isn't a membrane anymore 🙈 probably that's the issue. I only left it on for handwashing, etc.

    a half price sounds good 👍 Thanks a lot 😊

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for _pasi

    Hey @Gordon,

    did you found any source or solution for this Issue ?
    It seams like that my watch has the same issue after over a year of daily use :(.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for _pasi

    ah, okay.
    Has anybody an idea what else it could be ?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for _pasi

    I had a look at the Gadgetbridge log, and i counted the steps.

    Banglejs: 1345
    Gadgetbridge App: 163
    Gadgetbridge Log: 953

    Here is a little snippet from the log. It looks wrong to me, that the accual message is interrupted ?

    15:09:40.284 [Binder:1204_1] INFO  n.f.g.s.d.b.BangleJSDeviceSupport - UART RX LINE: {"t":"status","bat":86,"chg":0}
    15:09:40.286 [Binder:1204_1] INFO  n.f.g.s.d.b.BangleJSDeviceSupport - UART RX JSON parsed successfully
    15:09:40.289 [Binder:1204_1] INFO  n.f.g.s.AbstractDeviceSupport - Got BATTERY_INFO device event
    15:09:40.329 [main] INFO  n.f.g.s.DeviceCommunicationService - Setting broadcast receivers to: true
    15:09:40.332 [main] INFO  n.f.g.u.GB - not sending API event due to settings
    15:09:40.332 [main] INFO  n.f.g.s.d.b.BangleJSDeviceSupport - ACTION_DEVICE_CHANGED Verbunden
    15:09:40.333 [main] INFO  n.f.g.s.r.AutoConnectIntervalReceiver - will reset connection delay, all devices are initialized!
    15:09:40.549 [main] DEBUG n.f.g.e.NotificationListener - Notification 1 posted: com.espruino.gadgetbridge.banglejs: null
    15:09:40.550 [main] DEBUG n.f.g.e.NotificationListener - notificationAppListIsBlackList: true
    15:09:40.555 [main] INFO  n.f.g.e.NotificationListener - Ignore notification: com.espruino.gadgetbridge.banglejs
    15:10:00.596 [Binder:1204_1] DEBUG n.f.g.s.b.BtLEQueue - characteristic changed: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e value: 0x0d 0x0a 0x7b 0x22 0x74 0x22 0x3a 0x22 0x61 0x63 0x74 0x22 0x2c 0x22 0x73 0x74 0x70 0x22 0x3a 0x37
    15:10:00.597 [Binder:1204_1] INFO  n.f.g.s.d.b.BangleJSDeviceSupport - RX: 
    15:10:00.598 [Binder:1204_1] INFO  n.f.g.s.d.b.BangleJSDeviceSupport - UART RX LINE: 
    15:10:00.610 [Binder:1204_1] DEBUG n.f.g.s.b.BtLEQueue - characteristic changed: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e value: 0x36 0x2c 0x22 0x68 0x72 0x6d 0x22 0x3a 0x33 0x38 0x2e 0x32 0x7d 0x0d 0x0a
    15:10:00.611 [Binder:1204_1] INFO  n.f.g.s.d.b.BangleJSDeviceSupport - RX: 6,"hrm":38.2}

    Gadgetbridge settings:

    • text as Bitmap: true
    • larger MTU: false
  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for _pasi

    My Playstore updates the apps automatically and the bangle.js apps i update at least every 2 weeks.
    i can only compare the steps from October, but when i look into the Gadgetbridge stats, it seams like the issue started mid/end September.
