Avatar for user112894


Member since May 2020 • Last active Aug 2020
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user112894

    That's it!
    Anyway, the Quick Start (Writing Code) page uses it.

    Thank you for your explanation

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user112894

    thank you; i tried and it returns a different error:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: "A1" is not defined

    I think that's to be expected: since the device is a Bangle.js, the only 'pins' available are LED1 and LED2 (as far as i can tell); also, i don't understand why each pin appears twice in your example...

    the binary representation of the number yields the same effect, using the pins i'm interested in:

    digitalWrite([LED1,LED2],0b0001) => Uncaught Error: Invalid pin!
    digitalWrite([LED1,LED2],0b0010) => Uncaught Error: Invalid pin!
    digitalWrite([LED1,LED2],0b0100) => Uncaught Error: Invalid pin!
    digitalWrite([LED1,LED2],0b1000) => Uncaught Error: Invalid pin!

    It looks like on the watch the virtual pins "LED1\2" work only if used one at a time, not both.
    Could that be the case?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user112894


    while trying the 'array' version of the function 'digitalWrite', i get the error:

    Uncaught Error: Invalid pin!

    The test i performed on the web IDE (after invoking reset()) were:

    digitalWrite(LED1,1); => OK
    digitalWrite(LED2,1); => OK
    digitalWrite([LED1,LED2],3); => Uncaught Error: Invalid pin!
    digitalWrite([LED1],1); => Uncaught Error: Invalid pin!
    digitalWrite([LED2],1); => Uncaught Error: Invalid pin!

    Am i missing something?

    I am using a Bangle.js
    version 2v05
    commit 09aa0d84
    bootloader v0.17
    launcher v0.01
    settings v.0.19
