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Member since Apr 2020 • Last active Apr 2020
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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Rudi

    I can't find a fault in my code. Could it be that Bangle.on('step') fires only at multiples of 80ms?
    If I may answer my own question: Bangle.setPollInterval will improve resolution. I think the polling interval should be less or equal one-third of the minimum step duration. If the parameters were set in a menu, the polling interval could be adjusted accordingly.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Rudi

    PS: That's what makes this project so cool. If you buy an Apple Watch and the software sucks, it just sucks. If you buy a Bangle.js and the software sucks, you can go ahead and improve it.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Rudi

    Hi there!
    I've also been experimenting with pedometer accuracy and would like to share my results.
    I'm using several parameters - currently just as constants in the JS code:

    // Max step duration (ms)
    const cMaxTime = 1200;
    // Min step duration (ms)
    const cMinTime = 240;
    // Max difference between consecutive steps (%)
    const cMaxDiff = 50;
    // Min number of consecutive steps
    const cMinSteps = 5;
    // Step sensitivity as per http://forum.espruino.com/comments/15186­837/
    const cSensitivity = 400;

    The trouble I'm running into is that getTime() seems to have a resolution of 80ms, which gives me trouble with really quick steps. When two steps are only 200ms apart, the jitter will often exceed the 50% set in cMaxDiff. Since I'm not a terriffic runner, that is not a problem for me, but for some it might be.

    Maybe you would like to look into my code and use the best from both our attempts.

    Thanks a lot!
