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Member since Jan 2020 • Last active Jan 2020
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    Avatar for user108192

    Hi Gordon,

    Thanks for replying.

    Yes I closed it because I had to find a solution to the problem quickly and so I used something else. I also did not want to waste anyone's time.

    I got it to work for advertised information. I did use 'NRF connect', but was unable to figure out how to connect and listen to the notifications...

    I could not find a tutorial to match my use case either.


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    Avatar for user108192

    Just to show you in case it is not clear what I am talking about please find attached my node-red flow. The output you see in the debug tab is from the advertise queue: /ble/advertise/0c:8c:dc:22:6f:c7/#

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    Avatar for user108192

    Hi... HELP!

    I am trying to connect my movesense device https://www.movesense.com/ to a Raspberry Pi 4.

    I am using the docker container IOTstack and have installed, among other things - the Espruino hub and I am trying to retrieve the heart rate (0x2A37) and RR number from the movesense device.

    When I connect the mqtt queues according to the Bluetooth LE and Node-RED with MQTT tutorial all the standard things described in the tutorial work perfectly (e.g. advertise, presence, etc).

    BUT - when I try to get the heart rate information (0x2A37) and RR number I do not know how to do it. I have tried writing to a queue. I have tried creating mqtt setups in node red that relate to the connections described here: https://github.com/espruino/EspruinoHub#­connections as well and I cannot get it work.

    I know the movesense device is sending Heart rate information as I can see it using nRF connect.

    This is driving me crazy as I am totally lost and I don't know if the problem is my lack of knowledge or if I am missing something or if the service is not available with Espruino hub...

    Is there some other advice tutorial you can point me to please?

