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Member since May 2018 • Last active Jun 2018
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  • in Electronics
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    I confirm : It's working, thank for support !

  • in Electronics
    Avatar for Sestre

    Ok, so i tried with the following code (the result is the same with your library now) but, in deed, it's seems that it doesn't work. The output is always "0" even when i put some light on the sensor. The output for manufacterID and deviceID seems ok and i tried to change the modul sensor with an other one without more success so i don't think the problem come from the hardware.

    Code :

    var REG = {
      RESULT: 0x00,
      CONFIG: 0x01,
      LOWLIMIT: 0x02,
      HIGHLIMIT: 0x03,
      DEVICEID: 0x7F
    var adr = 0x44;
    var i2c = new I2C();
    // Config (same as the library - maybe don't work)
    i2c.writeTo(adr, [REG.CONFIG, 0b1100110000010000]);
    i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.MANUFACTURERID);
    print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 1));
    i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.DEVICEID);
    print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 1));
    i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.RESULT);
    print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2));

    Output :

    >new Uint8Array([84])
    >new Uint8Array([48])
    >new Uint8Array(2)

    I think the output is "uninitialized-like" because the values are "0" and "0". We can verifie that by reading 3 bytes (in place of two) with the following code

    Code :

    i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.RESULT);
    print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 3));

    Output :

    >new Uint8Array([0, 0, 255])

    There is maybe a problem with the configuration. I'm sorry, i don't have time now to more investigations but I'll let you know if I find something in the next few days.

    If it helps, here is the result of reading of all the registers

    Code :

    i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.RESULT);
    print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2));
    i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.CONFIG);
    print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2));
    i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.LOWLIMIT);
    print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2));
    i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.HIGHLIMIT);
    print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2));
    i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.MANUFACTURERID);
    print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2));
    i2c.writeTo(adr, REG.DEVICEID);
    print(i2c.readFrom(adr, 2));

    Output :

    >new Uint8Array(2) // means "0"
    >new Uint8Array([200, 16])
    >new Uint8Array(2) // means "0"
    >new Uint8Array([191, 255])
    >new Uint8Array([84, 73])
    >new Uint8Array([48, 1])

    In addition, if i look in the OPT data sheet, the result value is, in deed, on 16 bits but divided as follow :
    12 bit (LSB) : real value data
    4 bit (MSB) : exposent

    Sadly, your library doesn't take care of that and just return the 16 bits value without treatment. It would be nice to have direct the value ready to be read :)

    datasheet i found : http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/opt3001­.pdf

  • in Electronics
    Avatar for Sestre

    I looked for the librairie for the OPT3001 module (https://www.espruino.com/modules/OPT3001­.js), and i saw a strange think :

    /* Copyright (c) 2018 Gordon Williams, Pur3 Ltd. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. */
    var REG = {
      RESULT: 0x00,
      CONFIG: 0x01,
      LOWLIMIT: 0x02,
      HIGHLIMIT: 0x03,
      DEVICEID: 0x7F
    function OPT3001(options,r,w) {
      print(this.r(REG.MANUFACTUREID)); // 0x5449
      print(this.r(REG.DEVICEID));  // 0x3001
    OPT3001.prototype.off = function() {
    OPT3001.prototype.read = function() {
      // return this.r(REG.RESULT0); REG.RESULT0 doesn't exit right ?
      return this.r(REG.RESULT);  // better like this ?
    exports.OPT3001 = OPT3001;
    exports.connectI2C = function(i2c, options) {
      var a = (options&&options.addr)||0x44; // or 0x45?
      return (new OPT3001(options, function(reg) { // read 16 bits
        i2c.writeTo(a, reg);
        var r = i2c.readFrom(a,2);
        return r[1] | r[0]<<8;
      }, function(reg, data) { // write
        i2c.writeTo(a, [reg, data]);

    EDIT : 2 minutes too late =D

  • in Electronics
    Avatar for Sestre


    I'm not sure about how to read the OPT3001 sensor's data and i didn't find a lot of documentation. Here my code and the error i have on output.

    My code :

    var i2c = new I2C();
    var opt = require("OPT3001").connectI2C(i2c);
    // default adresse (0x44) and pins are ok, connection works
    var data = opt.read();

    Output :

    >new Uint8Array([84, 73])
    new Uint8Array([48, 1])
    >Uncaught TypeError: Expecting a number or something iterable, got undefined
     at line 1 col 14
    a.writeTo(e,c);c=a.readFrom(e,2);print(c­);return c[1]|c[0]<<...
    in function "r" called from line 1 col 17
    in function "read" called from line 1 col 21
    var data = opt.read();

    The module is right connected and seems ready (led on). Can someone help me ?
