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Member since Aug 2017 • Last active Oct 2017
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    Avatar for EEspinoza

    Hey Gordon,

    I'm a developer working with @LVangelis and I was wondering if you could expand on Bluetooth.write. I can see the IntelliSense supporting the method call when I write it in the Espruino Web IDE, but I'm having trouble finding any documentation on it. For our purposes, we're just trying to send information through a notify characteristic. Right now, I'm creating a service/characteristic using setServices first, and then using updateServices to modify the value of our characteristic. Would Bluetooth.write() be something we should look into? And if so, would you be able to point to some useful documentation on the method?
    Thanks in advance!

    Edit: After quick test, I see that Bluetooth.write() writes to the NUS RX characteristic data buffer... This works really well. Thanks!
