Avatar for Hansi


Member since Jul 2017 • Last active Jul 2018
  • 4 conversations

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  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for Hansi

    Hello @MaBe,
    Yes, this one has returned me local wifi ap (just for info I have 1.93v).
    Now I can write a workaround just parsing it passing the correct value in ssid and password. Will try it today.


  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for Hansi


    Please, could anyone help to solve implementation problem?!
    I'm making a thing which I want to take sometimes to another place. As a result, I have two different wifi's(one at home, one at an office), and want to check which is present and connect to one of them. Wifi.scan doesn't work on my ESP8266 (NodeMCU Amica), so I tried 'if' statement. But can't write it correctly.
    How is better to solve such task, maybe some of you have faced with it already.

    var ssid2 = "WIFI2";
    var password2 = { password : "PASS2"};
    var ssid = "WIFI1";
    var password = { password : "PASS1"};
    var wifi;
    wifi = require("Wifi");
    wifi.connect(ssid, password, function(err) {
      if (err){
        console.log("Connection error: " + err);
        wifi.connect(ssid2, password2, function(err)){
          if (err){
            console.log("Connection error: " + err);
          console.log("Connected! WIFI2");
      console.log("Connected! WIFI1");
  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for Hansi

    Could you please explain what 'heap' in the output means?

    Problem is that after starting of program everything is ok, I make 3 requests at the same time every 180seconds. But on 10th time it shows error - out of memory, and every time it happens on different try. Probably I should clean ram somehow after each request or something like this? (using of non-custom font helps a little bit, but errors still happen).

    ERROR: Out of Memory!
    ERROR: Error processing Serial data handler - removing it.
    Execution Interrupted during event processing.
    Uncaught SyntaxError: Expecting a valid value, got EOF
     at line 1 col 22

    Thank you for answers!

  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for Hansi

    Thanks, it helps) now need some time to pick some normal melody)

  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for Hansi

    Could anyone explain this message in console:

    ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,0)
    load 0x40100000, len 2408, room 16
    tail 8
    chksum 0xe5
    load 0x3ffe8000, len 776, room 0
    tail 8
    chksum 0x84
    load 0x3ffe8310, len 632, room 0
    tail 8
    chksum 0xd8
    csum 0xd8
    2nd boot version : 1.6
      SPI Speed      : 40MHz
      SPI Mode       : DIO
      SPI Flash Size & Map: 32Mbit(512KB+512KB)
    jump to run user1 @ 1000
    âìpNä{òn|ìdl â{püLoading 1298 bytes from flash...

    Is it mean that I run out the memory?

  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for Hansi


    Does anyone have working examples with passive buzzer?
    Because when I try this:

    analogWrite(A0, 0.5, { freq: 1000 } );

    I have such message:

    >Uncaught ReferenceError: "A0" is not defined
     at line 1 col 13
    analogWrite(A0, 0.5, { freq: 1000 } );

    I've also tried digital pins, but no sound in result(and no error).

    Could anyone show working example? (https://www.espruino.com/Making+Music doesn't work for me)


  • in ESP8266
    Avatar for Hansi

    oh, thanks, Gordon, good support on your forum.
    Now my project is possible!!!
