Christmas pre-orders?

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  • @gordon

    I can't find where I read it but I think I saw somewhere that you are expecting new stock mid January? If so, will you be doing preordering so they can be presented as (belated) Christmas presents?

  • Yes - so far, they're due to ship on Boxing Day, so after I get back from Christmas break I'll put them on sale.

    I won't be doing pre-orders though - I've never had a great deal of success with it outside KickStarter, I think because I sell a lot to countries where English isn't a first language and it can be very hard to ensure that everyone knows that the devices aren't shipping immediately so I don't end up with some unhappy customers. It's a lot less hassle just put them on sale later.

  • OK that's fair enough, I hadn't considered that but can see how it could cause unnecessary tension. I'm on the email list so I'll just keep my eyes out after the holidays.

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Christmas pre-orders?

Posted by Avatar for myownself @myownself
