WIZnet Driver in Espruino Wifi build?

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  • Hi there,
    does anybody know, if the Wiznet drivers are built in, in the Espruino Wifi build? Is there enough space for it?


  • The question is kind of ambiguous, to say the least.

    The question is under the forum's Official Espruino Boards section. So which board are you talking about: Espruino-Wifi? If so, my - not so helpful - answer is: I don't know. For all other boards - I hope for the BLE ones as well, I think it is, because why not. There is a way to find out by asking the system environment for the modules: enter in the console process.env.MODULES.split(",") - this will list all the build in modules. You still need to get to them by using require("moduleName") in your code, but they have not to be uploaded when the code is uploaded to the board.

    For my Espruino-Wifi board process.env.MODULES.split(",") returns the list of modules below - and with that know now... LOL:

    ="Flash,Storage,hea" ... ",neopixel,Wifi,AT"

    With above list I conclude that it should be possible to run both Wifi modules at the same time... But the big BUT is: What about the global variables, such as url? I was not happy when encountering it in the first place, and now I'm even more unhappy, because certain things are just 'too globally / to singleton-ish' in Espruino. @Gordon may know of the bat if it is possible to run both Wifi options simultaneously... (I'm not sure if your questions is raised by the intention to use two wifi's on your Espruino board simultaneously).

    If you are talking Espruino on ESP8266 or ESP32: I don't think so... even though some of the ESP8266 should have enough resources - flash and RAM - and especially ESP32 should have that. Even for ESP8266 with enough flash it could be a challenge since buffers AND Espruino JavaScript (variables, which also includes code) fight for the same RAM.

  • @allObjects Yes, I'm speaking of the EspruinoWifi, and I want to try to get both working LAN and Wifi. I read about the WIZ550io/W5500 module. In the article (https://www.espruino.com/WIZnet) it is mentioned to use espruino_XXX_espruino_1r3_wiznet.bin but there is non for the EspruinoWifi board, or is it the combined one?

  • or is it the combined one?

    There's only one firmware image, which has the support built into it. There used to be two for some boards (CC3000 & WIZnet) but since CC3000 was discontinued (and also rubbish) I've only been supporting WIZnet for new boards.

    You'll be able to use WIZnet and WiFi, but not at the same time I'm afraid. You should be able to flip between them, but just not have an open connection on each one at the same time.

  • Was not too unhappy w/ my CC3000... but now I can frame it hang it on the wall! ... LOL

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WIZnet Driver in Espruino Wifi build?

Posted by Avatar for MrWhy @MrWhy
