• got a 0.91 OLED with i2c interface from china and spend a lot of time without any
    success to display some text, just a dark display , grrrrrr !?

    this is it: http://www.ebay.de/itm/201537040004

    Any hints to get this working ?

    used code:

    /* esp8266 12E 4MB
    // 0.91 OLED from China via over I2C 4pin GND,VCC(+3v3),SCL,SDA 
    // setup I2C stuff
    function start(){
     // write some text
     g.drawString("Hello OLED !-!",2,2);
     // write to the screen
    var g = require("SSD1306").connect(I2C1,start);

    no console output

  • Do you have I2C pullups?

    I'd seriously suggest that you try it out first with an Espruino Pico - just to remove the possibility that something (I2C or Graphics) on ESP8266 is broken

    Also, look on: http://www.espruino.com/SSD1306

    There's specific code there for 32 pixel high displays that you should use. You could also try g.setContrast(number from 0..255) as well

  • Do you have I2C pullups?

    Yes there are 4.7KΩ pullups for SDA and SCL onboard.

    I'd seriously suggest that you try it out first with an Espruino Pico - just to remove the possibility that something (I2C or Graphics) on ESP8266 is broken

    This Code and more complex one is working with this OLED from adafruit without any problems, so I2C and Graphics is working excellent on ESPs with 1v85, but yes I will try this too.

    Testing with g.setContrast(number from 0..255)and {height:32} did no changes.

    Will try to skip this 74LVC1G245 for SDA and SCL because this device is not visible with i2cdetect on beaglebone

    1 Attachment

    • Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-07 um 07.42.32.JPG
  • Do you know what the i2c address for the device is? If you scan the i2c bus does it show up?

  • It could be the device is actually set up in SPI mode rather than I2C?

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[SCRAP - do not buy] OLED 0.91 with I2C interface - useful or scrap

Posted by Avatar for MaBe @MaBe
