• ADDED 2021/10/04: ...great help for coding the underlaying ILI9341 display controller

    The moment I did some basic setup, set some pixel and drew some lines, I knew that performance is a challenge... especially when driving the display over SPI... Therefore, graphics take a bit a back seat vs. simplification. ;-)

    Here some basic code:

    // Exploring 2.8" Color TFT Touch LCD by Pacman Game attempt 
    // [0r0] - [1v67] release / version info
    // basic setup: light on, SPI, graphics context
    SPI1.setup({sck:B3, miso:B4, mosi:B5, baud: 1000000});
    var g = require("ILI9341").connect(SPI1, B6, B8, B7, function() {});
    var G = // Game
    { g: null  // Grapics
    , c: function() { this.g.clear(); } // clear
    , clrs:    // colors (6 bit color depth, 262K colors)
        [ 0    // black
        , 63 * (64*64) + 63 * (64) +  0 // yellow
        ,  0 * (64*64) +  0 * (64) + 63 // blue
        , 63 * (64*64) + 63 * (64) + 63 // white
    , clr: null // color index
    , sClr: function(cdx) {
        if (this.clr != this.clrs[cdx]) {
          this.clr = this.clrs[cdx];
    , ini: function(g) {
        this.g = g;
    var P = // Pacman
    { g: null // Graphics
    , x: 0    // pos x
    , y: 0    // pos y
    , d: null // direction E, S, W, N phases start = 0, 4, 8, and 12) 
    , s: 0    // next state 0..15, show and hide states for mouth closed and open
              // advancing halft a cell with before showing
              // (0,4,8,12 = on cell center, mouth closed, facing E,S,W,N)
    , f: null // function for each state (0..15)
    , w: 10   // with
    , b:  6   // base
    , o:  8   // open
    , c:  3   // closed
    , sp: function() {}
    , se: function(i,m) {
      g.drawLine(this.x - this.b, this.y, this.x + this.b, this.y - m);
      g.drawLine(this.x - this.b, this.y, this.x + this.b, this.y + m);
    , ss: function(i,m) {
      g.drawLine(this.x, this.y - this.b, this.x - m, this.y + this.b);
      g.drawLine(this.x, this.y - this.b, this.x + m, this.y + this.b);
    , sw: function(i,m) {
      g.drawLine(this.x + this.b, this.y, this.x - this.b, this.y - m);
      g.drawLine(this.x + this.b, this.y, this.x - this.b, this.y + m);
    , sn: function(i,m) {
      g.drawLine(this.x, this.y + this.b, this.x + m, this.y - this.b);
      g.drawLine(this.x, this.y + this.b, this.x - m, this.y - this.b);
    , s0: function(s,x,y) {
      this.s = s;
      this.x = (s == 0) ? x - this.w : (s ==  8) ? x + this.w : x;
      this.y = (s == 4) ? y - this.w : (s == 12) ? y + this.w : y;
    , n: function() {
    , ini: function(g) {
      this.g = g;
      var _this = this;
      this.f =
        [ function() { _this.x = _this.x + _this.w; 
                       _this.se(1,_this.c); _this.s =  1; }
        , function() { _this.se(0,_this.c); _this.s =  2; } // 1/2
        , function() { _this.x = _this.x + _this.w; 
                       _this.se(1,_this.o); _this.s =  3; }
        , function() { _this.se(0,_this.o); _this.s =  0; } // 1/1 E
        , function() { _this.y = _this.y + _this.w; 
                       _this.ss(1,_this.c); _this.s =  5; }
        , function() { _this.ss(0,_this.c); _this.s =  6; } // 1/2
        , function() { _this.y = _this.y + _this.w; 
                       _this.ss(1,_this.o); _this.s =  7; }
        , function() { _this.ss(0,_this.o); _this.s =  4; } // 1/1 S
        , function() { _this.x = _this.x - _this.w; 
                       _this.sw(1,_this.c); _this.s =  9; }
        , function() { _this.sw(0,_this.c); _this.s = 10; } // 1/2
        , function() { _this.x = _this.x - _this.w; 
                       _this.sw(1,_this.o); _this.s = 11; }
        , function() { _this.sw(0,_this.o); _this.s =  8; } // 1/1 W
        , function() { _this.y = _this.y - _this.w; 
                       _this.sn(1,_this.c); _this.s = 13; }
        , function() { _this.sn(0,_this.c); _this.s = 14; } // 1/2
        , function() { _this.y = _this.y - _this.w; 
                       _this.sn(1,_this.o); _this.s = 15; }
        , function() { _this.sn(0,_this.o); _this.s = 12; } // 1/1 N
    var tt = 100;         // [ms] timout time for next phase, 4 phases per cell)
    var x0 = 20, y0 = 70; // left, top (left top corner of square w/ nmx cells) 
    var n, nmx = 10;      // n = cell, nmx = max cells (in x and y direction)
    // pacman walking E, S, W, N:
    function ne() { P.s0( 0,x0        ,y0        ); n0(); }
    function ns() { P.s0( 4,x0+nmx*P.w,y0        ); n0(); }
    function nw() { P.s0( 8,x0+nmx*P.w,y0+nmx*P.w); n0(); }
    function nn() { P.s0(12,x0        ,y0+nmx*P.w); n0(); }
    function n0() { n = 0; setTimeout("nx();",tt); }
    function nx() { 
      if (n < nmx) { n++;
      } else {

    To let Pacman walk E (x-axis), S (y-axis), W, or N, enter in IDE's command window (one at a time):

    • ne();
    • ns();
    • nw();
    • nn();

    [1of2] to be continued... Exploring 2.8" Color TFT Touch LCD by Pacman Game attempt


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