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  • Hi @Gordon

    I tried everything to connect to my BangleJS 2 Watch.

    App Loader: iOS (iPhone and iPad) with WebBLE
    App Loader: MacOS with Chrome
    App Loader: Windows 10 with Chrome
    Espruino Web IDE: Windows, iOS, Mac

    I checked afterwards if I could find a bluetooth device with the DfuTarg tag, via the "nRF connect" and the "nRF toolbox" app on iOS. There are devices listed but none with the tag or the Bluetooth mac address of my watch. I tried this also with the watch in DFU mode.

    I rebooted the Watch in-between these steps and also the devices. I turned Bluetooth off on the other devices, to be sure, that they wouldn't connect and block the connection.

    I really hope that I am missing something here.


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