• I'm confused. Bangle.js 2 has a '3 bit colour LCD display'.
    With firmware 2V09, this translates nicely to :

    ={ fg: 0, bg: 7, fg2: 1, bg2: 3,
      fgH: 0, bgH: 1, dark: false }

    But with firmware 2V10, the result confuses me :

    ={ fg: 0, bg: 65535, fg2: 31, bg2: 2047,
      fgH: 0, bgH: 2047, dark: false }

    Why does it return 16 bits per pixel ? And those 16 bit color values ?

    All of these questions because I have an application running on both 2V09 and 2V10 firmwares and the user can save his preferred colour scheme. The (saved) colour values for 2V09 were 0..7 and now 2V10 apparently expects 0..65535. The saved preferences result in a troubled display, with unreadable menus for changing the user colour, causing a lot of havoc of course.

    (I can't seem to find the 'What's changed' for 2V10 - can someone provide a link - thanks)


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