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  • The Bangle.js 2 emulator is now live.

    Please bear in mind this is early, basic software, running in an emulator, so it's not a good indication of what the watch will be like to use.

    Just click on this link then choose 'Bangle.js 2'.

    The link will upload code which will load a default (basic) firmware on the emulated watch.

    Usage instructions:

    • Press the button on the right to move from the clock to the launcher
    • click and drag on the launcher to move, and use click on an item to select
    • In the small menus, drag up and down to change the highlighted line, then click anywhere to select
    • Long-press to return home does not currently work - you need to type load() into the left-hand side of the IDE to do that.

    You can try out apps from the App Store too using and clicking on the emulator icon where available - see the image below. Right now you need to search using the 'b2' keyword to find apps that are Bangle.js 2 compatible.

  • Just click on this link

    worked fine but needed to reload the page as it didn't ask and started bangle 1 emulator for me at first


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