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  • This looks really promising! Thanks for the log as well - that really helps.

    Sorry for the lack of replies. I've been a bit busy lately and I'm on holiday for 2 weeks starting next week, so there's a lot of preparation/finishing stuff off.

    lib/misc/stepcount.c only goes as far back as April 2021. It must have been somewhere else before that ?

    Yes, it was in lib/banglejs/jswrap_banglejs.c alongside everything else before that. It's literally just :­b/bb99dd861bfbf9765edcdc60f7bfe93d898456­3e/libs/banglejs/jswrap_bangle.c#L648-L6­55

    Threshold beforehand was 0.99g -> 1.01g so the acceleration had to dip below 0.99 then rise above 1.01 for it to be counted - but that's way less that in the paper you found


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