• Hi,

    can someone help me to get the sensor data of the MPRL sensor?

    I wrote some code by using the documentation of the sensor manufacturer:

    Find datasheet here:

    var i2c = new I2C();
    i2c.setup({ scl : D29, sda: D28 });     
    i2c.writeTo(0xAA, 0x00, 0x00); 
    setInterval(function () {
    var x = i2c.readFrom(0x18, 5);  
    }, 200);

    What I get in the console :
    new Uint8Array([64, 139, 169, 98, 128])

    When I reupload the code and give a puff signal to the connected tube on the sensor the value 139 increase. When I do a sip in goes down. The other values 3 & 4 change randomly. the first and the last value is steady.

    The value 139 changes just when I reupload to the MDBT42Q module. What I need to do that the value is changing in realtime? Do I need to convert the value as well?



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