• More specifically the subset:    https://banglejs.com/reference

    @Sebastian, the thread title clearly states 'Bangle.js' and Guillaume_G clarified new to Javascript. The link here #4 is the subset specific to Bangle.js while the link in your post #3 is the entire reference for all Espruino devices. No sense making more overwhelming than necessary.

    Over the past four years, the same questions are asked by those new to Javascript, and the reason that summary page was created and has been referenced over a thousand times. Rather than re-post those links here, it made sense to provide that post for perusal as a learning step and starting point for exploration.

    Which leads us to our forum New Year's resolution:

    Teach how to fish and not just provide the fish

    @Guillaume_G if these haven't been discovered yet, here are two excellent reference sites I still use to this day. The Mozilla Developer Network 'MDN' reference along with w3c.org standards are the places to go to understand the language specifics, while W3Schools has a nice interactive try before coding editor-viewer.


  • Hey, Robin thanks for your very useful link because yes there are many tutorials but they did not explain all the language and how to code your own program alone (from or come all these commands).
    Sorry if my question has already been asked.
    A good year 2021!


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