• Just to explain, these are of course not officially supported and stuff does not work out of box as with Bangle. Also Espruino != Bangle apps. So definitely stay with Bangle.js if you can. However if you need something different then it is an option but is definitely advanced topic so makes sense only if you are prepared to invest extra effort. E.g. the HR sensor hardware in Bangle gives you one simple value, in other devices you have more control over it but you need to run your own algorithm (or use some vendor library) to compute heartrate from raw data. jeffmer recently got heartrate working in P8 and DK08 smartwatches in Espruino (HRS3300 and EM7028 HR sensors).

    BTW sadly just yesterday I got the aliexpress package but the seller sent different device - F07t instead of F77 (like this). It does have skin temperature sensor however it is not nrf52 based (most probably Dialog DA14585 chip) so no chance to run Espruino. So after getting refund I'll see if I try getting F77 again.


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