• Well, I'm stabbing in the dark here but looking at https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/m­aster/drivers/hid/hid-lenovo.c#L141 it might be expecting that the 'usage page' is for Lenovo.

    I had a quick check and in that code there's actually mention of the usage page:

    	0x05, 0x88,		/* Usage Page (Vendor Usage Page 0x88)	*/
    	0x09, 0x01,		/* Usage (Vendor Usage 0x01)		*/
    	0xa1, 0x01,		/* Collection (Application)		*/
    	0x85, 0x04,		/*  Report ID (4)			*/
    	0x19, 0x00,		/*  Usage Minimum (0)			*/
    	0x2a, 0xff, 0xff,	/*  Usage Maximum (65535)		*/

    I think realistically rather than poking around randomly, if you could get the full HID descriptor it'd be a huge help.

    It looks like USBTreeView might do it? https://www.uwe-sieber.de/usbtreeview_e.­html

    You could give that a try and see if you can see the full HID report?


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