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  • @Gordon .

    i will explain in this way.

    we have BTN or any pin, how to debounce that pin using code?

    puck 1 code:-
    setWatch(senderase,D1, { edge:"rising",debounce:50, repeat: true });

    senderase function called when the D1 is debounces right.

    puck2 code:-

    function send(cmd){
    NRF.requestDevice({ filters: [{ namePrefix: 'Puck.js' }] }).then(function(device) {
    require("ble_simple_uart").write(device,­ cmd, function() {


    when i run this code, is this puck can debounce the D1 pin on puck1 ?
    if not any other api is there to that?


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