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  • Personally I would just write a handler for the NRF.on("NFCoff", event that checks the contents of the card each time the NFC reader turns off the field - after some playing that seems to be the most sensible.

    Here's some code that works without using a module:

    var data = new Uint8Array(10+64);
    var header = NRF.nfcStart();
    var written = false;
    data.set(header,0); // NFC device header
    data.set([0,0,0xE1,0x10,(data.length-10)­/8,0,0,3,0,0xFe], 0x0A); // NDEF tag header
    // 0,0,e1
    NRF.on('NFCrx', function(rx) {
      var idx = rx[1]*4;
      switch(rx[0]) {
        case 0x30: //command: READ
          NRF.nfcSend(new Uint8Array(data.buffer, idx, 16));
        case 0xa2: //command: WRITE
          written = true;
          if(idx > data.length) {
          } else {
            data.set(new Uint8Array(rx, 2, 4), idx);
        default:   //just, re-enable rx
    NRF.on("NFCoff",function() {
      if (written) 
        onWritten(E.toString(new Uint8Array(data.buffer,26,data[21]-3)));­
      written = false;
    function onWritten(data) {
      console.log("NFC written", data);
      var colors = {
        red : 1,
        green : 2,
        blue : 4,
      if (colors[data]) {
        digitalWrite([LED3,LED2,LED1], colors[data]); //  onwards
        setTimeout(function() {
          digitalWrite([LED3,LED2,LED1], 0);

    You can even control it using a webpage!

    /* Starting a scan at startup stops Android from
    moving away from the Chrome window when a tag is found*/
    const reader = new NDEFReader();
    const writer = new NDEFWriter();
    function send(msg) {
      writer.write(msg).then(_=>console.log("W­ritten ",msg));
    <button onclick="send('red')">Red</button>
    <button onclick="send('green')">Green</button>
    <button onclick="send('blue')">Blue</button>

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