• Got a P5 64x64 panel with fm6126 chip and a ESP32 .

    Is is now running Espruino with @JumJum code after some small changes.

    /* jshint esversion: 6 */
    var P_A = D19,
        P_B = D23,
        P_C = D18,
        P_D = D5,
        P_E = D15,
        P_R1 = D13,
        P_R2 = D27,
        P_G1 = D21,
        P_G2 = D17,
        P_B1 = D12,
        P_B2 = D4,
        P_LAT = D22,
        P_OE = D2,
        P_CLK = D14,
        MaxLed = 256,
        X = 64,
        Y = 64;
    var BLACK = 0,
        RED = 1,
        BLUE = 2,
        MAGENTA = 3,
        GREEN = 4,
        YELLOW = 5,
        TUTQUOISE = 6,
        // ....
        WHITE = 15;
    function Led64x64() {
        var me = this;
        var Pen; //pin Enable
        var sfnc, dfnc; // bound functions to shift data and set address
        var ledBuf; //graphics.buffer for LED
        var arr; //array of drawing functions
        var boardDur; //refresh time for panel in mS
        var tmr; //interval timer for refresh
        me.init = function() {
            initPins(P_R1, P_R2, P_B1, P_B2, P_G1, P_G2,
                P_A, P_B, P_C, P_D, P_E,
                P_LAT, P_CLK, P_OE);
            boarDur = 20;
            return initGraphic();
        me.stop = function() { if (tmr) clearInterval(tmr); };
        me.start = function() {
            tmr = setInterval(function() {
            }, boardDur);
        me.clear = function(c) {
        function initFM6126() {
            var C12 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
            var C13 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
            digitalWrite([P_OE, P_LAT, P_CLK], 0b100);
            // Send Data to control register 11
            for (var l = 0; l < MaxLed; l++) {
                y = l % 16;
                if (C12[y]) {
                    digitalWrite([P_R1, P_G1, P_B1, P_R2, P_B2, P_G2], 0b111111);
                } else {
                    digitalWrite([P_R1, P_G1, P_B1, P_R2, P_B2, P_G2], 0);
                digitalWrite(P_LAT, (l > MaxLed - 12) ? 1 : 0);
                digitalWrite(P_CLK, 1);
                digitalWrite(P_CLK, 0);
            digitalWrite(P_LAT, 0);
            digitalWrite(P_CLK, 0);
            // Send Data to control register 12
            for (l = 0; l < MaxLed; l++) {
                y = l % 16;
                if (C13[y]) {
                    digitalWrite([P_R1, P_G1, P_B1, P_R2, P_B2, P_G2], 0b111111);
                } else {
                    digitalWrite([P_R1, P_G1, P_B1, P_R2, P_B2, P_G2], 0);
                digitalWrite(P_LAT, (l > MaxLed - 13) ? 1 : 0);
                digitalWrite(P_CLK, 1);
                digitalWrite(P_CLK, 0);
            digitalWrite(P_LAT, 0);
            digitalWrite(P_CLK, 0);
        function initPins(R1, R2, B1, B2, G1, G2, A, B, C, D, E, Latch, Clock, Enable) {
            Pen = Enable;
            sfnc = shiftOut.bind(null, [R2, G2, B2, undefined, R1, G1, B1], { clk: Clock });
            dfnc = digitalWrite.bind(null, [Enable, Latch, Latch, E, D, C, B, A, Enable]);
        function initGraphic() {
            gr = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(X, Y, 4, { interleavex: true });
            ledBuf = gr.buffer;
            return gr;
        function createFuncArr() {
            arr = [];
            arr.push({ callback: Pen.reset.bind(Pen) });
            for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
                arr.push(new Uint8Array(ledBuf, i * X, Y));
                arr.push({ callback: dfnc.bind(null, 65 | i << 1) });
            arr.push({ callback: Pen.set.bind(Pen) });
    test = function() {
        setInterval(function() {
            grf.setColor(Math.random() * 10);
            grf.fillPoly([Math.random() * 63, Math.random() * 63,
                Math.random() * 63, Math.random() * 63,
                Math.random() * 63, Math.random() * 63
            ], true);
            grf.setFont("6x8", 2).drawString(times, 0, 0, true);
        }, 1E3);
    var lf = new Led64x64();
    var grf = lf.init();
    var times = 0;
    setTimeout(test, 1E3);

    If you watch the video you will immediately figure that refresh is too slow to have a stable picture.

    Any idea how to improve speed?

    Could i2s be the kicker?

    Have to try this code with a original Espruino board, hopefully it is faster.



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