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  • That sounds great - at the moment with the Bangle.js loader you can do a custom.html file that basically gets loaded into an iframe and then posts the finished JavaScript back to be uploaded. The espruino-pixels page is basically perfect for that.

    From the point of view of reducing workload/bugs and ensuring new features (ratings/etc) appear on both, using the Bangle.js app loader's code seems like the best bet. Maybe moving it to a shared git module would be best? Any other thoughts?

    There are a few obvious differences I guess:

    • Using Web Serial as well as Web Bluetooth (but there's a library for that, done at the same hackathon I think @benjaminbenben?).
    • Saving direct to run at boot, not to a named app (but maybe this should be an option for Pixl.js at least!)
    • Filtering by device type (maybe detect at connection and then display only the relevant apps)

    But it feels like 90% of the code would be the same...

    Another option is just to use the Bangle.js app loader for all Espruino devices - some of the Bangle.js apps would run as-is on other devices. I think perhaps that's a step too far though? Folks with Bangle.js are going to want a simple, non-confusing way to load apps.


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