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  • I guess require("Storage").compact(); can't work because storage space is to small for what you are trying.

    What about eraseAll(), write .boot and usercode, or by a 4MB board or

    build a 1MB firmware Espruino version without FOTA but lots of space like a 4MB board.

            BOARD=ESP8266_4MB make clean
            BOARD=ESP8266_4MB RELEASE=1 NO_FOTA=1 FLASH_1MB=1 make 

    Fixed typo

  • I made a version using your arguments and flashed the 01s, but the issue still happened when I do the same actions. But I do get 196608 space like 4MB board.
    And, could I ask why the NO_FOTA=1 don't work for 4MB board, like NodeMCU, I can't still use FOTA on it. My purpose is to get more space beyond 196608 on 4MB board, thank you.


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