• Hmm. The posting above went a bit wrong - I guess I'm posting Python code rather than Javascript.

    Here is the garbled bit, not marked as code to hopefully keep the forum happy

    def colin_hotp_token(secret, intervals_no):
    # Key is a 10 byte array
    key = base64.b32decode(secret, True)
    # Python debug : print the key as bytes
    #print "KEY",[ord(x) for x in key]

    #keybytes=[0, 68, 50, 20, 199, 66, 64, 17, 12, 133]
    # msg is 8 bytes long - number with last byte = least significant
    msg = struct.pack(">Q", intervals_no)
    #msgbytes=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]


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