• I probelly will reboot the unit and remove the battery every few days,
    this is why I need the clock.
    I looked at the page you link me and saw I need to use this pins:

    3V3 VCC
    B6 (SCL) DIO
    B7 (SDA) AIO

    you rcommand to use pullup resistors , will 10K is good for this job?

    also I want to connect an external storage (that way I will be sure that it save me the data even if the power is down\unplug)

    and this is the pinout you suggest:

    SD Card Espruino
    DI/CMD B5
    DO/DAT0 B4
    CD/CS/DAT3 B6
    VDD 3.3v

    again will 10K resistors will be good here also? (when I search google ,many examples for pullup 3.3V where 10K ).

    another question is can I use RTC and external storage at the same time on the same device?
    because I can see that both of them are using B6
    can I change one of them to use B8 (for example)?
    maybe for the exteranl CS? and then just change it also at the code ?

    // Wire up up MOSI, MISO, SCK and CS pins (along with 3.3v and GND)
    SPI1.setup({mosi:B5, miso:B4, sck:B3});
    E.connectSDCard(SPI1, B8 /*CS*/);
    // see what's on the device

    Thank you for the answers in all the posts :-) ,

    by the way - maybe I'm working too hard and there is another solution for me ?
    a bluetooth5 BLE with RTC and SD card device?
