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  • I have one ESP-01 and one ESP-01S Chip. (Wikipedia say, it has 1MB ?!)
    The Command you post is for 4MB, isn't it?

    If I use your command, I got this response: --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 write_flash \
    >   --flash_freq 40m --flash_mode qio --flash_size 4m \
    >   0x0000 "boot_v1.6.bin" 0x1000 espruino_esp8266_user1.bin \
    >   0x7C000 esp_init_data_default.bin 0x7E000 blank.bin
    WARNING: Flash size arguments in megabits like '4m' are deprecated.
    Please use the equivalent size '512KB'.
    Megabit arguments may be removed in a future release. v2.8
    Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0
    Detecting chip type... ESP8266
    Chip is ESP8266EX
    Features: WiFi
    Crystal is 26MHz
    MAC: dc:4f:22:5a:85:86
    Uploading stub...
    Running stub...
    Stub running...
    Configuring flash size...
    Compressed 3856 bytes to 2762...
    Wrote 3856 bytes (2762 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 0.2 seconds (effective 124.4 kbit/s)...
    Hash of data verified.
    Compressed 459684 bytes to 320164...
    Wrote 459684 bytes (320164 compressed) at 0x00001000 in 28.2 seconds (effective 130.4 kbit/s)...
    Hash of data verified.
    Compressed 128 bytes to 75...
    Wrote 128 bytes (75 compressed) at 0x0007c000 in 0.0 seconds (effective 80.9 kbit/s)...
    Hash of data verified.
    Compressed 4096 bytes to 26...
    Wrote 4096 bytes (26 compressed) at 0x0007e000 in 0.0 seconds (effective 4105.0 kbit/s)...
    Hash of data verified.
    Hard resetting via RTS pin...

    But now I got a connection. Thanks a lot. I'm so happy now to get the first connection :)

    Do you have a tiny test-script for me to upload something?
    Is there a documentation to see which commands are supported for the different Chip-types like esp-01, esp-01s, esp32-cam, node-mcu and so on?

  • Sun 2020.02.09

    'Do you have a tiny test-script for me to upload'

    Has the sample script on the R-Hand side of the WebIDE shown in post #7 been tried?


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