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  • Using an accel as a step counter will drain the battery fast

    For using it as step counter (which is why it is in the device) it probably helps to use the buffer and interrupt and set the performance mode so it does not produce so much data. Then the main CPU can sleep most of the time. Original firmware lasts week or more in this mode so it is not so bad for the battery.

    I haven't used it for step counting yet but I tried the tap and doubletab features which can automatically guess that you hit the tracker from some side (once or twice) which can be used as additional buttons (check more info and code in this github issue)

    Now I am actually trying to sync DS-D6 build with all the new stuff for bangle.js including tensorflow. That could possibly be used for step counting too instead of some random guesswork which movement means one step.

    Tried yesterday evening and currently the build with tensorflow is too large to fit (by some small amount) so I need to trim it down a bit. I am also working on procedure for moving the bootloader so there is a bit more space (it takes 24KB now, can fit into 12KB and be moved by 12KB up).


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