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  • Thank you for help.

    I believe that Kikstarter-like campaign is a good idea.
    ESP32 gets a lot of attention now.

    Personally I am a STM32/nRF5x fan mostly because of the Cortex beauty in my eyes.:)

    But what made me inclined toward ESP32/ESP8266 is the wireless connectivity and abundance of cheap boards with integrated OLED/LED displays (see LilyGO/TTGO).
    Home Automation now is using Internet - I started with the STM32 & espruino (many many years ago) to send SMS with boiler temperature but now it's history. The internet is reliable & cheap now.

    So I think ESP32 is the way to go now (dual core to leverage, BLE, WiFi).
    I know it's difficult to compete with own boards here but what me and my friends are looking for is small board with OLED/LCD, nice case and battery/lipo compartment. Something which looks like a real product with tinkering capabilities.

    So again, maybe the Kickstarter campaign is good choice to collect some money for this adventure...


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