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  • Thr 2019.08.08

    I'm guessing here, so if this sounds far fetched, it's okay to blast me ;-)

    Could it be that the tcpClient instance creation L7 needs to be global, inserted between L1 and L2, rather than defined inside the udpClient bind object? e.g. msgs sent, but no object present to receive them?

    Did you catch this post?

    Out of office, 9th to 26th Aug

    Not sure which time zone you are in, but it's late in the day by Gordon, and I'm sure packing/getting ready is on the agenda. I'm in CST 6hrs behind GMT

  • @Robin, I tried your suggestion...seems like a good idea. No difference in results though.

    I missed the post about time off, I guess I'll work on other things for a couple weeks, I have plenty of other things to do on this project.

    Thanks for your ideas.
