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  • I'm afraid it's not something that is specifically tested/supported, but potentially you could create a custom NFC tag with­nfcRaw

    I'm not sure what multi-device support is like, but IMO a nice easy solution for NFC pairing would be to set Espruino up with a passcode:

    And then set an NFC URL of http://mywebsite?addr=bt:ad:dr:es:ss&pas­scode=123456. I believe you can then hook that URL to an app (and set that page to redirect to the relevant app store) and can work from there?

  • Thanks for the quick response @Gordon! I have a couple of issues with the approach you suggest: security risk, and the web-connectivity requirement that it presents. Both of them are non-starters for the application. What I really need is OOB pairing using the NFC interface.

    I'll be going to C code for the final implementation, but was hoping to use Espruino for the 25 prototypes I'm building. It didn't seem supported at this point, but I thought I'd ask. Put it in the 'enhancements' bucket and see if anyone else is interested in this support going forward?

    Thanks again,


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