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  • Hi Espruino Community,
    I am trying to use Bluez(gatttool) with MDBT42Q. I don't have much experience with neither of them but for another micro-controller called simblee (not sold anymore), I was able to write on pins through bluez gatttool. With espruino, I had little bit of luck in the steps so far as I can connect to espruino from terminal and write something(which I don't know what is it.

    It is what happened with espruino. Usually when I do write with simblee it writes to 0 pin of that micro-controller but there is no handle it says. So I generated 100 handle and I found some handle that works.

    and when I wrote on those handle it worked properly. But it none of the pins are giving me any voltage.

    Can anyone please tell me what should I do that will let me write on the pins through terminal? Thanks.


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