• Wed 2019.07.31

    fr @Gordon #5 'actually something @Robin may have experience'

    Yes, a year ago. This link may contain answers to some questions that may arise. For what it's worth, disabling the virus checker actually didn't change the situation I had then.


    Is the same #4 error the one we are currently dealing with @indianajones?

    Although the error (presented in 2pt font for ;-) obscurity) shows a property not found, the abbreviated #1 snippet doesn't have the balance of the class, that property may indeed be missing, so unable to definitively answer here.

    But I did notice that the exports statement uses a capital 'P' designating the class name. The require statement uses a lower case 'p'. When I tried the #1 snippets, I get a module not found error, until I changed the case of that leading character.

    A topic (re: exports - require) I never quite understood all the rules to, but might be something to check.


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