• Hi

    For the Advertising issue I recap from the begining with the code such as we are on the same page:
    Here is the code that I've loaded on my puck (latest version)

        // Configuring the Envrionmental Sensing Service
        0x181A: {
            // Configure Temperature Characteristics
            0x2A6E: {
                readable: true,
                notify: true,
                writeable: false,
                value: new Int16Array([E.getTemperature() * 100]).buffer
    // Make Envrionmental Sensing Service known 
    }, {advertise: ['0x181A']});

    The puck.js documentation (https://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_NRF­_setServices) states that a connection is required to get the ADV_IND.
    So I used the NRF connect Android App (latest version), activated my BLE sniffer and connected to the puck
    On the trace I see the CONNECT_REQ but no ADV_IND with the temperature

    What is wrong ? is there an error in the doc and the "advertise" option does not work this way ?

    Thanks for your answer



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