• Hi,

    I've created the following service on my puck and asked for advertisement
    I'm using the NRFsniffer to look at the trace. When I connect to the puck using the sniffer the only ADV_IND I get are only about the Device Name & Type. I never get the 0x181A service as expected.
    In the doc it is mentioned that the master must connect to get these advertisement. But I don't get anything ?

    Did I missed something ?

    Thanks for your help and support


    	// Configuring the Envrionmental Sensing Service
    	0x181A: {
    		// Configure Temperature Characteristics
    		0x2A6E: {
    			readable: true,
    			notify: true,
    			writeable: false,
    			value: new Int16Array([E.getTemperature() * 100]).buffer
    // Make Envrionmental Sensing Service known 
    }, {advertise: ['0x181A']});

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