• At @Robin has mentioned, this section of the forum is for official boards (not Discovery boards). There's what I hoped was a very clear message at the top of it when you go to post a new thread.

    I split the forum in two so I can properly support users who paid for official boards (eg by doing work like this on the NFC library) - however if I spent all my time doing work like this for people who have not and presumably have no intention of supporting my work on Espruino then I'd go out of business and none of these tools would exist for anyone.

    So @Robin may be able to help you get this working - but I'm no longer going to be helping you out.

  • Mon 2019.06.10

    First word correction needed above

    I can appreciate @Gordon, that it must have taken several days to crank out that write solution for @user100204 and that effort took away from the need to stay focused on Espruino itself.

    May I inquire as to your setup, e.g. Espruino board and RC522 board mfg?

    I have the original module MFRC522 read code example working, but on a KeyeStudio board controlled by a Pico. I've noticed there seem to be two variants to the Green'ish-Blue one shown on the module web page, being more of a Cobalt Blue in addition to the Green-Yellow KeyeStudio board I possess.

    The Arduino source references I've found, differ slightly and although your solution is quite similar, my KeyeStudio board is struggling around L168 and I'll need to compare the datasheet along with the KeyeStudio Arduino code to then fiddle with that section.

    It's quite possible the subtle hardware differences may cause an issue, and if that is the case, I'll need to pick up the same mfg board as the one you have. I also want to verify with user100204 as that may be an area to resolve.

    Through the use of the debugger and console.log statements, I'm willing to assist user100204 the best I'm able.

    Thank you for all your efforts in keeping the core Espruino functional for the community.


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