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  • Hi @Gordon,

    Yes, you're right. The rush is not good... (Spanish expression: "Las prisas no son buenas"). Sorry...

    The result of the code above is as follows:

      "e4:b3:18:0b:a6:de public",  <-- PC
      "28:43:68:5e:7a:8a",               <-- TELO580
      "e4:b3:18:0b:a6:de public",  <-- PC
      "28:43:68:5e:7a:8a",               <-- TELO580
      "e4:b3:18:0b:a6:de public",  <-- PC
      "36:35:66:a1:6d:c9",               <--TELO580 (Bluetooth off and then on)
      "e4:b3:18:0b:a6:de public", <-- PC
      "12:ca:65:a3:45:24",               <--TELO580 (Bluetooth off and then on)

    When the TELO bluetooth is turned off and on again, the MAC changes, although none of them is the real one (real MAC of TELO: 7e:eb:46:03:35:1c).



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