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  • I just tried with bare 51822 module from ebay. I only removed debugger and tab complete added storage (and reduced RAM to 16KB and variables to 300 since my module only has 16kb) and while building I see

    CODE: 110592 -> 255820

    so I increased storage pages to 6 and while building I see

    Testing espruino_2v01.102_nrf51822.elf for NRF51822DK
    STORAGE: 256000 -> 262144
    CODE: 110592 -> 255820
    Code area Fits before Storage Area
    GEN espruino_2v01.102_nrf51822.hex

    and in console I see

    ={ free: 246, usage: 54, total: 300, history: 33, 
      gc: 0, gctime: 3.60107421875, "stackEndAddress": 536884592, flash_start: 0, "flash_binary_end": 255828, 
      "flash_code_start": 256000, flash_length: 262144 }

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