• HW / wiring all just ok... it was reproducible... no electrical issue what so ev er...

    This means that the "neopixl" module has obviously some ick... as code below and clip proof... and kind of surprise is that the colors are quite different...

    YYYYYYUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPP.... plain SPI use fixes it (your option is a bit off... but that's peanuts... and with B15, isn't it SPI2?)

    Thanks a lot, @Gordon.

    // colorfun3.js
    // drawin Lines and setting a Pixel in 9 x 4
    //   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    // 0 L ~ ~ ~ ~ L L L L
    // 1 ~ L ~ ~ P ~ ~ ~ L
    // 2 ~ ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L
    // 3 ~ ~ ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ L
    var npxPin = B15
      , g = Graphics.createArrayBuffer( 9,4,24
                ,{zigzag:true,color_order: "rgb"} ) 
      , clrs = [1573095,7667850,15144960,51510]
      , cdx  = 0
      , cIId = setInterval(function(){ 
            cdx = ++cdx % 4;
      , sIID = setInterval(function(){
            SPI2.send4bit(g.buffer, 0b0001, 0b0011); 
          }, 500)
      ; pinMode(npxPin,"af_opendrain");
        SPI2.setup({baud:3200000, mosi:npxPin});

    2 Attachments


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