• Hi there,

    1: I'm currently using B3 & B5 ( yup .. ), but I guess I'll switch to B13 & B15 or just use software SPI instead + 'opendrain'. I'll try the long wire + 1.5k pullup to 3.3V ( on both datat & clk or just one iyo ? ) - I can borrow an oscilloscope ( .. )

    2: understood for the "no that much gain" ;)

    3: yup for the logs ;p, and I'll try getTime benchmarking as you advise. Also I'll avoid compiled stuff for this particular goal ;)

    4: I 'll manage to get myself a scope & learn its many tricks, yet as far as I can tell, the following seemd to work ( even without 'opendrain' -> anyway, I'll go for safety with your above suggestions )

    // Nb: I have to digg SPI modes ..
    // Nb2: the LEDs seemed to respond even when passing "8000000" as baud ? ..
    //spi.setup({miso:B4, mosi:B5, sck:B3, mode:1,order:"msb", baud: 4000000}); // seems ok for software spi & hardware spi
      spi.setup({miso:B4, mosi:B5, sck:B3, mode:0,order:"msb", baud: 4000000}); // seems ok for software spi - mode 0||3, 1||2 ?
      // for SPI modes on APA102: https://cpldcpu.wordpress.com/2014/11/30­/understanding-the-apa102-superled/
      // for SPI modes in general ?
      // R: mode "1" was the 1st tested, seemed to work
      //    mode "0" seems to also work ?

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